
Tools & Downloads

Because sometimes you just need a starting point!


Here's some free stuff.

One of our values is Empowerment through Education.  We are providing you these tools because we strongly believe that simplifying complex financial information will empower you to succeed.

We are constantly developing new tools and resources for small business owners.  Drop your email address with us and we'll keep you updated on when we're adding new and fun things.

General Advisory Tools


Use this worksheet for your initial client advisory meeting with your business advisor, or when working with other advisors when you need to provide them with important information about your business.

Download the Business Details for Your Advisor Template


A cost segregation study can help substantially reduce your income tax liability when you are an owner/operator of real estate.  Use this worksheet to calculate your potential write off.

Download the Cost Segregation Study Tax Savings Estimator


We’re building something amazing that will show up here soon.

Bookkeeping Tools


This is a great tool when you aren’t sure where to start when making your first budget.

Download the DIY Budget Tool


Not sure where to start building your chart of accounts?  Download this general business that applies to most businesses for examples and to learn more.

Download the Chart of Accounts Template


Use this worksheet to make sure your loan balances between related businesses agree to each other.

Download the Inter-Company Reconciliation Worksheet

Tax Preparation Tools for Individuals


Use this worksheet to keep track of your medical expenses throughout the year, or to summarize your information at year-end for tax return preparation.

Download the Medical Expense Worksheet



Use this worksheet to keep track of your charitable contributions throughout the year, or to summarize your information at year-end for tax return preparation.

Download the Charitable Contribution Worksheet


This is the same template we use when responding to a tax notice on your behalf.  It’s a great starting point if you’d like to tackle responding to you a notice yourself.

Download the Tax Notice Response Template

Tax Preparation Tools for Business


Use this worksheet to make sure your loan balances between related businesses agree to each other.

Download the Inter-Company Reconciliation Worksheet


This is the same template we use when responding to a tax notice on your behalf.  It’s a great starting point if you’d like to tackle responding to you a notice yourself.

Download the Tax Notice Response Template


We’re building something amazing that will show up here soon.