
Your Initial Client Advisory Meeting

Building a foundation for a successful partnership together.

Welcome from Sean

sean-dimercurio-headshot Hello and welcome to DiMercurio Advisors! We’re thrilled to be part of your entrepreneurial journey. Thank you for putting your trust in us.

This webpage contains valuable information about your first advisory meeting with us, so please take a moment to read through it. Through our experience working with thousands of business owners, we’ve found that this meeting is crucial. It helps us align expectations and lays the groundwork for a strong working relationship.

Our mission is to empower business owners to succeed by simplifying complex financial information. If we're able to do that, you'll have what you need to run your business.

We use our core values to provide us with a steadfast light in how we support you. Be Transparent. Empower Through Education. Adapt to Change. Seek to Understand. Think Like an Owner.

Remember to check out our FAQ section at the bottom for more details about our guarantee. If you don’t find value in your initial advisory session, it’s on us.

Once again, welcome! Let’s get this journey started!

~ Sean DiMercurio CPA CGMA
Founder & Partner

What is an Initial Advisory Meeting?

Your initial advisory meeting is part of The DA Way.


We designed it to be a safe space for us to work together in understanding what brought us together and how we'll be working together going forward. It helps us align expectations and lays the groundwork for a strong working relationship. We cannot provide advice if we don't know where you are and where you are trying to go, so expect to help us understand it. This will also gives us both the opportunity to see if we're a good fit for each other - without trust and understanding, our relationship won't work.

We understand working with a new team can be a nerve racking experience. To that extent we commit the following to you:

  1. We won’t make you feel judged. Everyone you know probably has given you their opinion on why what you are doing will work or not. That won’t be us.
  2. When you need a referral, we’ll refer you to those we truly believe can support you. While those we refer aren’t part of our business and we can’t control what they do, we do pride ourselves on having a network of capable individuals that can support you and your needs.
  3. We’re going to tell you what you need to hear. Not what you want to hear. There’s a difference. And we’re kind of known for doing this. After your decision is made, we’ll advise and support you along the way.

After the meeting you should be walking away with answers to your questions and feel a sense of relief that someone has your back. You'll receive your Advisory Roadmap within a day of the meeting and receive your organization chart shortly after. These documents provide powerful details about our conversation and actionable steps for you to take.

Your initial advisory meeting can be held on a video call or we can meet in person at our office in downtown Orlando, Florida.

Meet Our Advisors

Each of our advisors brings unique expertise and experience, enabling us to collectively offer you the highest quality advice and support. You’ll be assigned to work with either John Kirkland or Sean DiMercurio CPA CGMA depending on your needs. Our advisors are supported by an entire team of professionals that work collaboratively to deliver quality services to you.


John Kirkland
Business Advisor, Tax Manager

John is a quick learner and he is quick to pass that knowledge along to every client he works with. His goal is to help put people in positions to succeed through collaboration and teamwork. He is also a huge sports fan - when he isn’t working, there’s a good chance he’s cheering on the UCF Knights. Charge On!


Sean DiMercurio CPA CGMA
Founder & Partner

Sean focuses on complex challenges our clients face. This includes optimizing their legal structure to focus on operational and tax needs, estate planning & trust structures, representation during a tax audit, tax planning & strategies, and support surrounding purchasing or selling a business.

Prior to Our Meeting

To have the best meeting possible, please upload the following information to the advisory team:

  1. Copies of your past three years of tax returns (federal and state) for each entity within your organization that we’ll be representing.
  2. A short description of each entity within your organization, the state it was formed in, any states it’s registered in and any additional information you can provide.

  3. Any questions you might want to discuss – if you know ahead of time, great! If not, we’ll be ready to chat about anything during our allotted time.
  4. Your most recent balance sheet and income statement in excel format and ran for this year-to-date.

If any of these have already been provided to our team, you don’t need to send them again – we’ll be able to locate them.

Documents can be securely uploaded to us prior to your meeting (portal powered by Citrix Sharefile). Using Citrix Sharefile ensures your private information is encrypted and safe.

What to Expect

Setting expectations is important so we’re all prepared to have a productive meeting. Here’s what we’ll be discussing during our meeting:

  1. What do you want to get out of this relationship?
    • Let us know why you’re leaving your prior firm.
    • What does success look like with our relationship?
  2. Review your organizational structure
    • Understand how you are currently set up.
    • Discuss any questions or concerns you have over the structure.
  3. Learn more about your enterprise.
    • Identify opportunities were we can support you, provide tax planning, etc.
  4. General discussion to answer your burning questions
    • We won’t solve everything today but can start putting pen to paper to plan through it together.
  5. Schedule our next conversation
    • Chatting on a regular basis will allow us to remain on the same page.
    • We can pre-schedule meetings on any basis that works for you (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually). Let’s discuss what works best for you.
    • We’ll schedule the next meeting(s) and send you a calendar appointment.

Deliverables & Your Roadmap

Walk away from our meeting with confidence. Have the clarity to know where you are going and knowing you have a roadmap to get you there.


You’ll receive the following deliverables from the meeting:

  • Advisory Roadmap: A document that contains notes from our meeting, next step’s where applicable, anything you’ll need to take care of, etc. Each time we meet we’ll update the roadmap.
  • Organizational Chart: A two page document that shows the legal structure of your organization along with important information for each entity that all of your advisors will find helpful. Each time there is a change, we’ll update it for you.




Schedule Your Meeting

At this time your initial advisory meeting will be scheduled directly by your Sales Advisor.  If you're reading this page, your meeting should already be scheduled!  If not, please reach out directly to your Sales Advisor, or email us at sales@DiMercurioAdvisors.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the cost of this meeting?

    The 60-minute meeting, your initial advisory roadmap and initial organizational chart, is a flat rate of $350. This is because the meeting has a set agenda and deliverables. Additional services afterwards will be billed at our hourly rates.

  • Who am I meeting with?

    Your initial advisory meeting will either be John Kirkland or Sean DiMercurio CPA CGMA.

  • If I haven’t finished onboarding, can we still meet?

    Yes, we can! However, we do need the documents listed in the Prior to Our Meeting section. This will allow us to have the most productive meeting possible.

  • Am I required to have this meeting to work with you? Do I need to have an ownership chart created?

    Yes. After representing thousands of businesses & individuals, we’ve learned a few things. One is that when clients have an initial advisory meeting, their overall satisfaction and success is greater than when they don’t. It’s our way of ensuring that we’re both off to a good start.

  • I already have an ownership chart, can you use mine?

    No, we’ll need to use ours. We’ve put over 20 years of experience into building our organizational chart a specific way. Countless partners have provided valuable feedback for us to know what we have works. It also ensures that when we meet, we have a firm understanding of the information needed to provide you with quality services and advice.  

  • What if the expert I’m meeting can’t answer my question(s)?

    Sometimes you’ll ask a question that an advisor won’t have an immediate answer to. When this happens we’ll ask questions to understand what you are asking and then either initiate the research required to get an answer to you or get you in front of the correct in house expert to provide you with the guidance you are looking for.

  • What if I’m not a good fit with my advisor?

    Hey, it happens! If you aren’t comfortable with your advisor, it’s okay! Send an email to hello@DiMercurioAdvisors.com and one of our non-advisory service team members will reach out to you.

  • What if I can’t make our meeting?

    We understand that sometimes schedules change unexpectedly. To meet the needs of all our clients, we kindly ask for at least a 24-hour notice for any appointment rescheduling requests or cancellations.

    If you cancel or reschedule your appointment with less than a 24-hour notice, you may be subject to a cancellation fee. This policy helps ensure that we can offer our services to other clients who may be waiting for an available slot.

  • Is there a cancellation charge?

    Yes, there is.

    We understand that sometimes schedules change unexpectedly. To meet the needs of all our clients, we kindly ask for at least a 24-hour notice for any appointment cancellations or rescheduling requests.

    If you cancel or reschedule your appointment with less than a 24-hour notice, a $65 cancellation fee may apply.

    This policy helps ensure that we can offer our services to other clients who may be waiting for an available slot.

  • How do I book another meeting with you?

    Great question! You can always reach out directly to your advisor to coordinate any additional meetings as needed.

  • What if I need more time for our meeting?

    Your initial advisory meeting has a set agenda, which allows us to get to know each other better. If additional advisory sessions are needed, your advisor will schedule those with you. Those sessions can be used to answer any remaining questions you have.

    Please note that advisory sessions (after your initial one) are billed at the advisor’s hourly rate.

    For a more detailed explanation of our billing policies, please review our Master Terms of Service shown in our Legal Center.

  • What if I don’t get all my questions answered?

    Your initial advisory meeting has a set agenda, which allows us to get to know each other better. Because of that, sometimes we won’t be able to answer every question you have during the meeting.

    If that happens, a follow-up meeting will be scheduled with an advisory team member. Any follow-up advisory meetings will be invoiced at our hourly rates, unless otherwise confirmed with you in writing or on a statement of work.

  • What’s your guarantee?

    It’s simple: If you aren’t satisfied with your initial advisory meeting with us, it’s on us. No questions asked (well, we might ask a few because we want to get it right with you). Let us know what you’re feeling and how we could have done better by sending an email to hello@DiMercurioAdvisors.com or calling our office at 407-906-4376.

  • Will I always meet with the same advisor?

    You will be assigned a primary advisor that you will normally work with. However, sometimes your unique situation might require you to speak with a different advisor. When this happens, we’ll let you know! Part of building and maintaining your advisory roadmap means making sure you’re getting the right advice from the right person.

  • Can I have other people attend this meeting?

    Yes, you can! Let us know who we should add to the invite. Please keep in mind that this meeting does have a set agenda and goals, so we’ll be focused on adhering to them to make the most out of our conversation.

  • When do I pay for this meeting? When do I receive this invoice?

    We’ll send you an invoice approximately 3 business days after our meetings. The invoice is due 10 calendar days after it is sent (the date will be clearly shown on the invoices).